Did you know that you are 40% more likely to land your dream job through company referrals!
It all boils down to one skill… Networking! Networking is the opportunity to meet individuals from different backgrounds and form relationships with them through the exchange of information.
Every individual has different approaches to creating connections, here are three easy steps to get you started.

Join events! Universities often provide students with dozens of opportunities to meet with companies, whether this may be through career fairs, or through alumni gatherings. It is highly recommended to attend these events, and engage with the guests, to create the opportunity for yourself to be in the position to network!
Find mutual topics! Are you a foodie? Or let me guess… are you a Potterhead? It is these simple questions you can use to find a mutual ground between two people. Show your genuine interest to get to know the other person, while still being understanding that not everyone will be willing to reciprocate, and that's okay!
Send follow ups! Don’t be afraid to contact that person a few hours after you met, whether this may be through a Linked-in request, instagram follow or even an email. Chances are they are just as interested in maintaining contact with you. If there is something that the both of you bonded upon, feel free to send them articles, or depending on the formality, send them some funny memes too! There is no limit or boundary as to what you can send to keep the conversation going every once in a while. Just a simple ‘this article reminded me of you’ goes a long way.
Alternatively here are a few things you should avoid doing when networking!
Meet people for your personal benefit! More often than not experienced industry professionals will be able to identify a person only meeting for their own agenda. Try using this opportunity to create a genuine and lasting connection.
Unequal exchange! Remember it is all about the exchange of information between two individuals. Try to leave them with a useful piece of information that they can remember you by, for example if the conversation was about animals, tell them one of the unique animal facts you had stored in your back pocket!
Overall, it's always helpful to keep an open mind when going to any event, or career fairs and look forward to creating new connections.